I organize personal exhibitions and I also participate in collective exhibitions to present my work. I exhibit preparatory models of my books, share my research process, and original pop-up boards. This allows my readers to better understand my creative process, which is often long and consists of several stages of research.
Collective exhibition “Oh! Nature” at Hyundai Museum of Kids’ Books & Art (Soeul, South Korea) 2021
A large-scale model for the collective exhibition “Oh! Nature” at Hyundai Museum of Kids’ Books & Art (Soeul, South Korea) 2021
Photo draw inspired by my book Jardin Bleu for the personal exhibition “Animated Landscapes”
at the Jean-Moulin Departmental Park – Les Guilands 2020
Display of research models at the Vilnius Book Fair, 2020
Another important aspect of my work is the creation of displays for bookstores or book fairs. Amongst others, I created the Christmas display for the Centre Pompidou bookstore in 2019. The creation of displays allows me to exhibit my creations on a much larger scale.
Christmas display created for the Center Pompidou bookshop, 2019
Display made of paper cutting for the Millepages bookstore, 2017